Let us find answers to this question by taking a closer look at disciplines three to five that Franziska Fink & Michael Möller have defined for Purpose Driven Organizations:
3rd Discipline: Holistic Partnership
Are there people who feel completely in their element and at home in a “Purpose Driven Organization” and others who say: “I feel so out of place here?” The answer is a clear YES.
In purpose-driven organizations, employees are given a great deal of freedom, which in turn strengthens their influence and decision-making power. The organizations therefore place great value on a "perfect match" both in recruiting and when filling roles. The decisive factor is not so much the skills, experience and know-how of the candidates, but the harmony between the person and the organization on the value level.
4th discipline: Super-flexible culture of trust
The culture of an organization cannot be directly designed or changed. It develops and evolves over time - influencing factors include the history of the organization's founding, decisions made within the organization, and habits and routines that become established in everyday life. Purpose Driven Organizations therefore correspond in many ways to what is known as "super-flexibility" (Bahrami and Evans, 2010). In combination with the aspect of "trust", a "super-flexible culture of trust" can be described as follows:
Superflexibility ... simultaneous provision for #resilience and for #agile development; against the background of the conviction that both are needed in order to survive in the long term and to be able to successfully develop the purpose.
Trust ... based on a view of humanity that takes a high level of trust in people for granted; which is why Purpose Driven Organizations ensure a high degree of autonomy and self-organization and at the same time establish structures that make it possible to create a high degree of clarity about expectations when necessary.
A new culture cannot be prescribed, but impulses that promote development can be set.
5th Discipline: Co-Evolution in the Ecosystem
Purpose Driven Organizations strive to have a positive impact on their environment with their "purpose". At the same time, they seek out and create an environment that supports this "purpose". #sharedpurpose
The development and maintenance of ecosystems is therefore an essential discipline in the design of purpose-driven organizations. Without trusting and close relationships, ecosystems and collaboration cannot fully develop. Emotional intelligence, the ability and willingness to empathize with others and non-violent communication are helpful skills and tools for this. In addition, it is above all a question of attitude:
"Instead of viewing, treating and using other people from a distance as an object, an "it", every encounter and relationship is about a partnership attitude that includes the person with his entire being, his values, talents and needs and treats him as a "you". Respectfully, caringly, curiously and at eye level." (Martin Buber).